Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Some body help!!!!!

ok i cant figure this crap out.. lmao.. do i subscribe? do i just leave comments on random persons posts? what the hell is this thing for? lol

Bare with me

Hey guys, I'm a new blogger for now so please bare with me. I don't have a photo yet but I really needed to get a few things off my chest. For one, you're probably wondering y I'm up at 3:20am blogging. But lately I haven't been able to sleep. I'm moving to LA in 5 days to be exact and I'm uber friggin excited. I haven't really been able to eat or sleep much. I can't get over the fact that I'm just leaving my home (bay area) and just going to a more exciting city that's more career oriented for me as an actress. I have all these fantasies about how my life will change once I get down there and the kinda life I'm going to live. Its so dorky but hey a girl has to dream sometime. Right?